Q: What are your thoughts on Salesforce Lightning, and how does it compare to Salesforce Classic?
The Lightning UI (user interface) is objectively better — more modern, more efficient, better suited to mobile devices and modern browsers. I emphasize the word objectively because the UI isn’t the same as the UX — user experience. UX is implicitly subjective; how do users experience the platform?
People are resistant to change, so there will always be users for whom Classic is a better experience because they know what to expect, they know where to look and what they’ll see, they know where the buttons are and what they do. So, in this sense, there is no correct answer to which UX is better.
Luckily, as users get used to Lightning, their resistance will fade—except for that one guy (you know which one) who always needs something to complain about. I’d suggest you give him responsibility for the success of the transition.
I try to follow this axiom: figure out what’s going to happen, and make that your plan.
So, what’s going to happen? Really, it already happened when Salesforce introduced Lightning more than three years ago. The course was set, and from that point on, Salesforce has invested nothing into improving Classic—not one new feature. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of engineers working diligently to make Lightning great, introducing dozens of new components and features in each of three annual releases.
If you’re on Classic, how do you “make Lightning your plan”? Here are some tips:
- Stop waffling. The die is cast, get on-board and don’t look back. OK, I know, you’re on board, but the execs aren’t. Start quoting the Borg: resistance is futile. It’s time to budget time and resources to make the change. (And tip #4 below might help make the case.)
- Check out the great advice here: New Lightning Experience Transition Toolkit — Go-To Tools in One Place
- Go on Trailhead (Salesforce’s amazing, free training website) and dive into any of the dozens of modules on converting from Classic. The process will vary in its complexity, based on the degree to which you have customized your org, but there are tools and ample resources to help.
- Some of those Trailhead modules and resources focus on change management and user training. That’s an important indicator that this transition is as much cultural as it is technical, so share the Trailhead love; there are modules for admins, developers, users, and business owners. They will all benefit and help the transition go more smoothly.
- Find resources for knowledge, advice, and general emotional support. Join the Salesforce Trailblazer Community forum, API Documentation, Developer Forums & More, Salesforce Stack Exchange, or others. And find a user group in your area at Trailblazer Community Groups.
Bottom line answer: it’s pointless to keep comparing the two UIs because Classic isn’t a viable option for the future. They’re keeping it alive long enough for you to transition. Take a hint.
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